*SOLD* 805 Spani - St George, Kansas

Before Pictures


Entry way

Living room

Living/dining/kitchen area. I removed the boarder in the whole space and painted throughout. When there is a weird wall in the middle of the space just OWN it! I painted it a seafoam pearl color. 

I also may or may not have went on a shopping spree :D 

I actually did a lot of painting on this project. Things like the bathroom walls and the living room...and dining room, oh and the kitchen ANNNNND the dining table, chairs, hutch, coffee table. I just couldn't stop painting! 

Do you know how hard it is to get a good cut in line when you are a million feet in the air on a ladder that barely reaches?! #nailedit (just don't look too close!)

That yellowish color was the original color throughout the whole upstairs. And NO! I didn't skip painting that little area because I was tired of painting....I actually liked the color (just in a smaller dosage). Above the kitchen cabinets is an old frame (painted, of course) with a deconstructed cupcake stand. 

Master bedroom - please scroll up and remind yourself what the room looked like before. 

Main bathroom. I replaced the mauve colored walls with a minty green color. 

Master Bath

Total time to complete: 4 days. 

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